
How to share Subfolders inside the folders in Dropbox

You can share a folder in Dropbox between many users. But you can't share a subfolder inside a folder which you already shared. Let me explain it with an example.

Assume you have FolderA which contains three subfoldres FolderA1, FolderA2 and FolderA3. You shared FolderA between 5 users and you want to share only FolderA1 between some other users. It's not possible in Dropboz in the usual way and you can only share a link and send the link to them. But there is a very simple solution to overcome this issue.
Go to your Dropbox folder in your computer, Hold Shift and press right click on the mouse. Select "Open command window here". The cmd window opens. Type following command there (or copy it and paste it in command window using right mouse click):
mklink /J "LinkedFolder" "FolderA/FolderA1"
You can name "LinkedFolder" according to your choice. This command creates a new folder named LinkedFolder and links it to the FolderA1 which means when you enter into this folder, actually you open FolderA1.
Now you can share LinkedFolder with your friends who can access only on FolderA1 NOT to whole FolderA.
A video is prepared also to clarify the procedure step by step. It's recomemnded to watch and follow it step by step:


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